October, 2021









Some time off on sabbatical over the summer and time to take a break.

Time is a key theme this month.



Now back in full autumn mode. Autumn:  A time of flowers and fruits in my garden – Harvest.









In the forest too it is time for turning. The Rowan tree and the colours of the heathers:






September is also the time of the Autumn Equinox: Hare Moon, Harvest Moon – the time of equal light and darkness in the globe.






After now the dark grows….




One highlight of the month was the Completion of the latest MeM (Musica en Moviemiento) course. We celebrated with two days of calisthenics and performances from teams in Santiago, Chile, La Plata, Argentina, Ecuador and Mendoza, Argentina. All in all, very good work, on guitar but also involving Themes, Feldenkrais, and Pranayama.





One area was Kitchen Craft, and dishes were cooked according to principles of the Kitchen with a little Enneagram work thrown in – Involution and Evolution:





Our study piece was the Moving Force, which each of the teams performed honourably:




A photo arrived of an early Guitar Craft course in Italy – 2002. I am there on my knees to the right with the team. Amazing!






Some excellent theatre this month – both from the National Theatre. Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson) and Under Milkwood (Dylan Thomas).





Under Milkwood had a lead from Michael Sheen – a favourite actor of mine. The piece is really based on a village but out of time – almost disembodied voices offers reflections of their past, present and futures. A kind of poetic tapestry.




Here Michael reciting Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night – an iconic poem by Thomas about refusing the ‘dying of the light’ – perhaps apt for autumn!!!:






I have been putting together some of my own art, which is posted elsewhere on this site:





Also studying the ephemera art of Andy Goldsworthy – an artist who builds in nature so that it fits and then erodes in time.







Lots of other work on the temporal dimension, the extended present moment, etc. http://www.michaelgrenfell.co.uk/esoteric/hyparxis-attention/


Speaking of time and nature, I have also been studying cloud forming and formations:






And, then, happy sounds from 1967. At the time, I was just a child and I hardly remember the ‘summer of love’. But, the vibe here is unmistakable. Happy music with an RnB groove.  Kinda’ of an antidote from the previous intensity of Pet Sounds and Smile – and moving to later classics, Surfs Up. I particularly like: Darlin’, Wild Honey, Country Air, Aren’t you Glad.