January, 2025



December and recovering from flu caught on the air-trip back from South America – exacerbated by 30 degrees drop in temperature and jet lag. And, three weeks without seeing the sun!!! I suffer….and am inactive…..


I drag myself out. The skies are on fire in the Forest:





Then, another birthday – this is getting serious:




And Solstice – I celebrate the return of the Sun King – the Oak King – to the second. Suddenly, there is energy and life again.





London lights and a great play at the National Theatre with my favourite actor, Michael Sheen. It is a kind of allegory on the life of the great socialist reformer, Nye Bevan – with major echoes to present day politics which have degenerated into tragic farce.




Christmas: what does it mean to me?

The best answer to this question is the painting of the nativity by William Blake: my spiritual mentor.

Here, the ‘light in the world’ rather than the physical body is stressed: Gnostic. Of course and always….



William Blake, Gnosticism and Gnosis 2023


A happy time of relaxation and recuperation:









And, then floods because of the melted snow.




Lots of time to read. I peruse:







And, listen to new CDs:






Hello 2025:

Forest Hare leaping:

