February can be a ‘wicked’ month in the UK. Not too cold this way, but dreary days. But, the light is strengthening. Still some spectacular skies out in the Forest:
And then a hint, of a soupcon, of a suspicion of spring. The first Celendine and Daffodils in my garden:
Execpt that we were then hit by three successive storms: Dudley, Eunace, and Franklin. Where I live in the South was in the pathway of the second of these.
Rough weather and trees destroyed in the Forest:
A remarkable Musica en Moviemiento At-a-Distance course, including part residential. Amazing what we can do now with Zoom, etc. It is almost second nature: guitar playing, pranayama, T’ai Chi, Feldenkreis, sitting, meals, discussions, Q&A. We were around 30 in different countries: Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, UK, USA. Amazing. Here is the Agrelo/ Mendoza team:
Some good ‘culture nights’; like No man’s Land by Harold Pinter, A Beckett-type situation drama about age, time, power, relationship. Starring Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen:
I was sent this map of my international readership. The darker the blue, the more readers I have had for my books. Interestingly, readers increase in countries I have visited, which proves something!!
Reading a book on the Holy Grail myth. Also, an account of a ‘literary salon’ in Long Critchel, East Dorset. I have always been fascinated by artistic groups and movements: how they define themselves and behave.
Music has been a bit of retro rock. Martha and the Muffins – Remember Echo Beach?. Art Pop. Also, the fine song writing of Richard Ashcroft. Then, the new Tears for Fears – and after 17 years! I always enjoy their music, and the CD is up to the mark!!