August 2021



Did I say, here in my part of the globe, we seemed to have jumped from a dodgy spring into an early autumn – missing out the summer in between/ A spider in my bath in June, and ferns in the forest turning yellow! Lammas yesterday – the first stirrings of the darkness:





So, very hot – 35 in my garden – for a few days: but, LOTS of rain and clouds.



Following up from last month – a lovely – and rare! Photo of Mousehole Cave/ Many associated experiences, etc.




In the last month, we have done six – yes, SIX – Musica en Moviemiento guitar workshop days:


Amazing what is possible these days with ZOOM. We even manage to play music together – and silence too.

Mind you, this takes extraordinary tenacity sometimes.

Here with a micro meeting – with me represented by I-Phone on a chair. That is me and my view….. Still an extra ordinary day/ meeting.




Also, incidences of Kitchen Craft to an amazing level. This is what the Salta team produced:




Me at home continues to broaden a range of cuisines and dishes. How to turn this:




Into this:




A kind of take on the Greek Gigantes.



Some art: the amazing work of Nicholas Roerich:




Also plays from the National Theatre: Yerma and A View from a Bridge.  Both excellent, if both somewhat about the mental breakdown of an individual. Still, it reminded me how good contemporary theatre can be. The latter, in particular, by Arthur Miller, is a Masterclass in dramatic dialogue. Every sentence laden and open to reflection.




Also, following up last month, I have been reading the final book publication of one of my favourite authors: Barry Lopez:






In this book, he writes of various experiences in nature but, by doing so, manages to express our entire relationship to life and the world – indeed, what it is to be human and alive. An extraordinary read. Needless to say, he is/ was concerned: ‘What is going to happen to us?’, he asks at one point. Indeed…..




Sometimes, only one thing will do…..





Well, it is summer…….!